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Business Formation
The name must include:
Limited Liability Company, LLC or L.L.C.; OR
Chartered, Professional Limited Liability Company, P.L.L.C. or PLLC if forming a professional limited liability company.
Do not use or assume the name is ap
The individual or legal entity that will accept service of process on behalf of the business entity is the registered agent.
A business entity with an active Florida filing or registration may serve as a registered agent.
An entity cannot serve as its own registered agent. However, an individual or principal associated with the business may serve as the registered agent.
The registered agent must have a physical street address in Florida. (Do not list a P.O. Box address.)
A Professional Limited Liability Company (which is formed under both Chapter 605 and Chapter 621, F.S.) must enter a single specific professional purpose. Example: the practice of law, accounting services, practicing medicine, etc.
Non-professional companies are not required to list a purpose, but may do so.
The names and street addresses of the authorized representatives or managers are optional.
Manager: a person designated to perform the management functions of a manager-managed limited liability company. Use MGR.
Authorized Representative: a person who is authorized to execute and file records with the Division of Corporations. Use AR. See 605.0102(8), F.S., for more information.
A Manager or Authorized Representative may be an individual or business entity.
Do not list members.
NOTE: If you are appl